Established in 2009, RnR is driven by a passion to deliver industry-centric ERP software solutions. Our headquarters and development center are located in Nagpur, India, with a branch in Dubai, UAE.

Leveraging extensive industry expertise, we have rapidly evolved into a leading and sustainable global ERP provider. Our clientele spans regions including India, the GCC, and Africa, and our commitment to growth remains unwavering.

Our ERP offerings empower businesses with seamless data access, unparalleled ease of use, and informed decision-making capabilities. By streamlining operations, we drive success for our clients.

Our achievements are fuelled by a dedicated team of top-tier professionals who embody our culture of S.M.A.R.T. objectives—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Few of our Awards and Recognitions

RnR DataLex is proud of being awarded & recognized to be committed - for providing Industry-centric solution to businesses and a great customer support.

Why choose us as your technology partner?

Industry Centric Solutions

Easy to Customize and Easy to Use

Dedicated Specialized Support Team

Trusted by the best